Many people often think that sun protection is only required on a very hot day when the sun is shining or is essential when we go to a sunny holiday destination. On a grey, cloudy day sun protection cream is not usually incorporated into most people’s morning skincare regime but it really should be.
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation given off by the sun is made up of three wavelengths: UVA, UVB, UVC. We are protected from UVC rays by the ozone layer, however, UVA and UVB rays penetrate the atmosphere.
UVA rays hit the deepest skin layer and play an important role in ageing and wrinkling of the skin and are thought to be involved in skin cancers. UVB, known as the burning ray, does not penetrate the skin layers to the same extent as UVA rays. UVB rays are also involved in ageing of the skin and the development of skin cancers.
It is important to ensure that you follow regular guidelines to limit time in the midday sun, use shade wisely, use a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 15+ and reapply every 2 hours or after working, swimming, playing or exercising outdoors.
UVA and UVB rays exist on a grey, cloudy day and UVA rays can pass through glass and clouds so your skin needs to be protected from these harmful rays all year round to limit the damaging effects and avoid premature ageing and wrinkling of the skin.
Product we recommend for sun protection:
RAD (SPF 15) sunscreen from Environ is a great product which will provide you with UVA and UVB protection. It contains sun absorbant filters that absorb part of the sun’s radiation and sun reflectants which will reflect the sun’s radiation. Antioxidants are also found in this product and they will protect your skin from harmful free radical damage and increase sun protection.
Due to the nature of the active ingredients, this is a consultation only product. Please call 0207 821 1020 for pricing and more information.
We are stockist of Environ®.