We are delighted to announce our new partnership with The Footprints Foundation, a charity that is very close to our hearts.
The Footprints Foundation aims to tackle problems and issues facing disadvantaged and vulnerable young and elderly people, and those people with significant health issues throughout the UK and the World. They endeavour to support these people during the most trying periods of their lives and help give them the strength and confidence to enjoy a fulfilled life. Their aim is to support through volunteering and hands on help rather than solely providing financial support.
Each month some of the profits raised from a selection of treatments will be donated to The Footprints Foundation. Make sure you keep checking our website and social media platforms for updates as the treatments we select to help raise money for The Footprints Foundation will change on a monthly basis.
June & July:
Massage & Reflexology treatments: In June and July a donation will be given to The Footprints Foundation from of our massage and reflexology treatment profits!
To find out more about The Footprints Foundation and their ongoing work Click here.